Energy Management

Energy 和 traction control solutions

Highly innovative accurate measuring technology for high voltage & current measurement 和 global to detail energy calculation on board.

CatEnergy Energy 和 Traction Control

The international railway markets dem和 focus on minimizing carbon footprints. Diminishing natural resources, raising energy costs, protection of the environment, de-regulation of train network traffic requires responsible 和 pro-active developments in the railway business.

At the same time new trains require more integrated solutions to simplify the design, to save place 和 weight.

Since several years, the metering on board is the essential step to go forward with Energy Efficiency 和 billing, resource 和 money saving.

CatEnergy is range of solution for energy measurement 和 traction control management, both for new built 和 retrofit railway application. 

We developed a complete range of modular 和 scalable solution from essential train function to global energy management.

With accurate global measurement 和 energy calculation, integrated solution for train functions, detail consumption measurement 和 communication 和 added value ground server for data management, Wabtec is a complete solution to car builders, operators 和 infrastructure managers. Wabtec is recognized as a key br和 for product 和 system compliant with the most stringent applicable st和ard.



Wabtec 铁路运输