From Metroflexx to the new Regioflexx

Wabtec: Regioflexx Brake Control System

When it comes to brakes, 可靠性 和 表演 are top priority. 列车操作员需要知道他们的系统是安全的,即使在恶劣的条件下也能正常工作. 然而, if they are to run their networks efficiently, 运营商还需要他们的制动系统在可维护性和成本效益方面具有竞争力, as well as the extra features they provide to get trains ready for the future. 与Metroflexx, Wabtec在为地铁运营商提供所有这些好处方面建立了一流的声誉. 我们新的Regioflexx系统现在为郊区提供了更高的新一代产品, 城际, 区域列车和高铁.


In 2020, 通过TÜV SÜD为我们的Metroflexx解决方案获得安全标准认证,我们向前迈出了一大步. 当我们开始开发Metroflexx时, we were looking for new ways to improve 表演, 可靠性, 可维护性, 火车集成, predictive maintenance 和 diagnostic capability, 整体竞争力, 为未来做好准备. 我们采取了以下措施:

  • 只要有可能, we replaced pneumatic components with equivalent software modules at the same safety level, 最高SIL 4.
  • We redesigned all remaining components, using different materials to boost 可靠性, 表演, 和寿命.
  • 我们开发了新一代自适应算法,以提高控制性能和组件的使用寿命.

This work resulted in a brake control solution with several advantages:

  • 它是 高度集成的 成线路可更换单元;
  • It can be interfaced in traditional wired mode or fully networked;
  • 它包括 “每轴”制动控制系统 能力;
  • It comes with a st和ard hardware platform 和 modular software, both safety st和ard compliant (certified 最高SIL 4).

Metroflexx is the reference in brake control. 它现在是我们地铁线路的标准报价,并已在世界不同地区投入使用.



从这次成功开始, we are now extending our suite of solutions for main line trains with Regioflexx – our solution for the next generation of suburban, 城际, regional, high-speed, 和 very-high-speed trains.

As you would expect from a modern integrated brake control system, Regioflexx具有服务制动功能, 紧急刹车, 和 wheel slide protection; communication with TCMS 和 propulsion; 和 diagnostic functions. 除了这些功能之外,由于其特定的体系结构,Regioflexx还提供了更多功能. 它是基于 两个独立的气动通道 allowing full per-axle control, 和 a dual independent electronic architecture, one SIL 2-based that performs the usual brake functions, 和 one SIL 4 that performs different redundancy 和 monitoring functions.

Rethinking Architecture to Boost Performance

Regioflexx独特的专利架构提供了许多令人印象深刻的好处-特别是在性能方面. 首先, 其对实际气缸压力的闭环调节以及自适应和自调谐算法随着时间的推移提高了精度,并使制动距离更可预测. This allows for greater accuracy in train stopping positioning. Dwell time is also improved thanks to high response times (<800 ms for brake application 和 release).

In addition to these significant benefits, 推出基于自适应滤波器的新一代DistanceMaster™车轮滑动保护(WSP), along with our deceleration compensation algorithm, take the use of actual wheel/rail adhesion to a new level. 一起使用, 与目前的WSP系统相比,自适应WSP和减速补偿系统在标准降低附着力条件下的制动性能至少提高了50%. 减速补偿最大限度地利用可用的附着力沿列车在退化的附着力条件, 或在退化模式下(转向架隔离), 下坡, 等.). 这使得列车在不利的附着条件下更有弹性,并大大降低了维护成本(平轮)。.


专为Regioflexx开发的专利架构也在系统功能方面开辟了可能性领域. 嵌入式动态WSP监控, 例如, 提供有效的保护,防止快速变化的粘附条件的后果. 这避免了基于时间的看门狗功能的干预,大大降低了轴锁的风险. Regioflexx的监测功能还可以使用现有的E/D制动器和紧急制动器,使用现有的推进技术. 这允许尺寸的优化,并减少在紧急制动摩擦制动器的压力. +, Regioflexx制动系统提供高完整性的速度信息,从而减少与速度相关功能的冗余, 比如开门控制.


我们尽了一切努力来简化和流线化Regioflexx背后的架构,使其更易于操作, 安装和集成. The system is natively designed to be network-operated, 例如. 列车/车辆数据总线连接加上安全回路是控制整个制动系统所需的全部. This allows for reductions in 火车集成 costs 和 improves overall system 可靠性.

To comply with interoperability TSI requirements, Regioflexx also features emulations of UIC distributor, multi-stage valve 和 average load valve, 在需要的时候. 这减少了额外气动元件的数量和复杂性,以及相关的安装和维护成本.

对于超高速列车(超过250 km/h),传统的强制轮转监测系统安装复杂且成本高昂. 与Regioflexx, 另一方面, the WRM function is natively embedded, eliminating the burden of installing double WSP systems per car. The necessary electronic 和 pressure release redundancy is fully integrated into Regioflexx. This creates significant savings in terms of installation 和 maintenance costs.

Regioflexx的另一个显著特点是它的单一集成盒子(节省空间和重量),包括电子和气动以及几个气动阀,由软件仿真取代. It offers cabling simplification through network operation, easy functional interfacing to traction 和 TCMS, 以及嵌入式WRM功能. 结果是, 与传统解决方案相比,Regioflexx为汽车制造商和运营商提供了更具成本竞争力的解决方案.

Easy 维护 for Best-in-Class Train Availability

除了众多的优势提供了Regioflexx的最先进的技术, the system has been designed for ease of maintenance to ensure maximum train availability. Thanks to the use of adaptive 和 self-tuning algorithms, Regioflexx提供延长MTBO(长达15年)和更稳定的性能在其生命周期. This means that only one overhaul will be required over a train’s 30-year lifespan. 它是 also natively equipped with predictive maintenance algorithms. It provides the usual diagnostic messages, 还有大修前的剩余时间和基于异常消耗和漂移识别的检查标志.

Regioflexx的重量和尺寸允许一个操作员在不到20分钟的时间内将其更换到火车上. Regioflexx的设计及其支架(安装在车辆上)使其能够自动识别其在列车上的位置, 和 therefore use the right brake setting for each position. Thanks to this feature, just one part is needed for the entire fleet. Regioflexx也很容易修改. With specialized test benches 和 a trained 和 certified workforce, maintenance can be performed at operators’ facilities.

维护 of a Full Brake-Control System has Never Been So Simple

Regioflexx maximizes train availability 和 is fault tolerant, making it a very cost-effective solution. A single failure affecting the service brake can be managed remotely (by the driver or TCMS), 同时保持每个转向架的紧急制动器可用,以确保列车在运行期间不会不必要地停止.

Regioflexx Prepares for the Trains of the Future!

Regioflexx将成为前瞻性列车运营商的首选解决方案,他们正在寻找最新技术来帮助他们的列车快速进入未来. 世界各地的几家运营商已经从该系统的创新功能中获益. 这些包括原生的 每轴 brake control 和 wheel slide protection. 这使全轴控制 没有额外费用. 每个Regioflexx的单个故障不会影响超过50%的本地转向架紧急制动. This greatly contributes to the highest Guaranteed Emergency Brake Rate (GEBR).

Regioflexx also provides accurate 和 predictable 表演. It offers advanced adhesion management 和 closed-loop control on brake cylinder pressure. SIL 4 emulated functions contribute significantly to highly predictable braking 表演, 即使在退化的条件下, minimizing 表演 drift between dry 和 degraded adhesion conditions.

Regioflexx: a Certified Building Block for Your Train

Wabtec’s Regioflexx solution has received full safety certification from TÜV SÜD, including validation of safety levels associated with each function. In addition, DB Systemtechnik assessed Regioflexx’s compliance with the TSI st和ards. Regioflexx is also compliant with cybersecurity st和ards.

